Monday, October 1, 2012

Chef Ramen: Spicy White Trash Spaghetti

At Long Last, the return of the mighty Chef Ramen.
Taken from Moisst online issue 2, here is the first of many
mouth-watering delights from the Chef's Kitchen.

The change starts rattlin in your pocket and your stomach starts rattling that same hungry sound in your brain.  Pay day is a week away and You already made your last plasma donation.  What are you going to do.  Things start looking bad.  You can’t fathom the idea of another Whopper and fear starts to scramble your brain.  No need to worry, all is good, all is well.  Top Ramen baby, it is the fruit of the gods. Yeah I know what your sayin.  “If I have to smell that damned flavor packet again I am going to release a mouthful of bile across the kitchen floor.”  Never fear.  I have lived in this situation for as long as I can remember and I have mastered the transformation of Ramen to a new state of loathing and enjoyment in the same breath.   Welcome to Chef Ramens Kitchen.  The one thing you have to think about is getting the most flavor out of the deposit in your pocket (Minus the lint that is collecting). First things first.

Spicy White Trash Spaghetti


1 half can of tomato sauce
2 green chili salsa packets from your local taco bell.
1 packet of ramen (Any flavor, you’ll toss that damned packet anyway)
1 packet of pepper and one packet of salt (courtesy of Home of the Whopper)

After you have gathered your ingredients you are ready to go to town........

First of all smash up the noodles while still in the packet.  This will make for easy mouthfuls to get it down. (The quicker the better).  Rip open the packet, and loose the flavor packet.  Next toss those tasty noodles in a pot of boiling water.    The packet suggests three minutes (This is a judgement call, some like theirs a little crunchier than others).  After the desired time drain the damned noodles.  Keep the noodles in the pot as to not loose any to the strainer.  Before the noodles start to cool throw in the remaining ingredients in no particular order.  You can save the salt and pepper for sprinkling over the top but it’s going in the same place so does it really matter?  As soon as you release the ingredients into the slop start to inhale the concoction.  This is very important (If you allow it to cool it will turn into a rancid jelly before your very eyes)  Well then don’t you feel better.  A little more satisfied in the hunger department.  If not and this has made you violently ill please disregard the next recipe.

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