Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tribe 8

To get things started again, here is one from Tribe 8. Hailing from San Francisco. Considered one of the first queercore groups. This one is taken from the second issue. A fitting interview for all the current LGBT legislation that has been going on lately. 

Tribe 8 is a crazed band hailing from San Francisco. They are currently on Alternative Tentacles and can be picked up at any record store worth visiting. Tribe 8 played Gibsons a few months ago and after the set headed over to Smaula Paulas house to hang out with a few answers for the MOISST.

MOISST: What does Tribe 8 rally mean?

T8: It’s a play on words Tribe 8 is what they used to call lesbians in the turn of the century. I comes from the Latin word for a sexual position called Tribalism. They always make up Latin words to make it less sexy, ya know like fellatio or cunnilingus and tribalism is when your just humpin on shit.

MOISST: There is a lot of stereotypes in this world. Do you find a lot of people think lesbians like anything that is female too?

T8: Well, different things. Welfare and fraud you know.

MOISST: I thought I saw you on Americas most wanted but I wasn't going to turn you in. I’m a loyal fan. Anyway, I read in “Angry Women In Rock” That Manipulate was the first song you ever wrote. Just out of personal curiosity how do lyrics to a song come to you?

T8: It usually just happens, it just flows right out. Sometimes it does take a lot of thinking to put it together. Theirs a song on the new record about women in prison called “Prison Blues”. We personally think women in prison are usually political prisoners.

MOISST: Women who get the shit beat out of them every day and are afraid for their children’s live and their own. They defend themselves and maybe kill the muther fucker and go down for first degree murder.

T8: Exactly, or welfare fraud because poor women don’t have any choice to feed their kids or themselves. Then they stick them in jail and keep insisting that their are no political prisoners in the united states, but their are. The band gave me a few different ideas and wanted me to write a song about it.

MOISST: One of the things that I love about you guys is the fact that you take fucked up situations and find the power behind your humor. You voice your opinion, but you don’t let anyone bring you down. When I watch you perform there’s an extreme sense of security and power behind the lyrics and sense of humor . The band seems pretty pleased with what is surrounding the band. A lot of bans seem to get bitter. You seem to handle frustrations well and poke fun at every aspect of any situation.

T8: Because it’s a trap. That’s what they want. They want us to be down and upset and everything. Then your weak.

MOISST: Who’s “They”, society?
T8: The power elite. They want us to fight amongst ourselves. What I try to do with our humor is to get all of us to bond-straight , gay, men, women, everybody! The true oppressor is oppressing all of us. Instead of being like “Your a dyke and I’m a straight guy and we can’t fight together.” I want everyone who is being beaten down to see that we are on the same side and join forces.

MOISST: I always find myself having to explain to people that Tribe 8 isn’t all about being a feminist dyke band. It’s all about rights. I can’t remember exactly a quote you gave but it was something about how the with straight male is being oppressed by the same oppressor we are. Something along those lines.

T8: Oh Yeah, that’s true. The more general message with in that is people need to express who they are individually. We are all individuals and we are all being whit washed. The power elite wants to whitewash us all into not having a personality or individuality because we’re easier to manage that way and if everybody agrees to conform to one standard, one norm, then people who do stand out and express themselves and their individuality are going to get beaten down by the masses. That’s what the power elite wants. They ant their people, the masses to do their dirty work for them and were not going to be part of it.

MOISST: How does your family take you being a lesbian?

T8: Everybody in my family is different. My parents were real young so the generation gap isn’t that large. My mom actually came to one of our shows and danced her ass off. She loved it. Someone actually interviewed my mom and she was really cool.

MOISST: So you have a pretty diverse crowd. Lesbians, gay boys, straights, and moms!

T8: We love when we see straight guys rocking out and singing our lyrics. That is the best!

MOISST: What about the Michigan Wymns festival thing.

T8: Some women were upset with us because during an anti-rape song Lynn B. cut her big old rubber dick off. Playing big shows are weird but it was only ten women out of around 50,000. It gave us a lot of coverage. Their was a little too much press written about it.

MOISST: Is San Francisco a really supportive scene.

T8: New York is a little bigger scene than Ca.

MOISST: What do you think about other bands that cause a stir, for instance “Marilyn Manson”?

T8: I think that shit’s great. If someone has nothing better to do but analyse bands then let them think what they want.

MOISST: Too much time on their hands. Who is the youngest in the band?

T8: Leslie Payne.

MOISST: How old are you (Lynn F.)

Lynn: 30!

MOISST: Do you find you get a lot of hassles on the road because of the way you look?

T8: People are uncomfortable around us. That’s their problem, but then some people are just curious and interested. Some guy at a truck stop the other day bought a C.D. for Christs sakes........

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